Twenty. Yes, twenty! This is the twentieth instalment in Cousin Silas' Dronescape series and it sees him exploring the darker recesses of ambient music. Clocking in at 72 minutes, this is a deeply immersive journey into the unknown.
I have spoken before of the association I have with Silas' work and the author H.P. Lovecraft, with the Cthulu Mythos, in particular, really sticking with me.
This Dronescape reminds me of the first Lovecraft story that I read: "The Nameless City". I read it because it was the first story in an anthology that I had purchased for pennies for my Kindle. I remember vividly being hooked with the sense of mounting terror that Lovecraft conveys. My mind was brought back to this story when I heard this Dronescape and, in particular, a point where the terror had taken hold and the protagonist recalled the following:
"I repeated queer extracts, and muttered of Afrasiab and the daemons that floated with him down the Oxus; later chanting over and over again a phrase from one of Lord Dunsany's tales - 'The unreverberate blackness of the abyss.'"
The twentieth Dronescape is an excellent form of ambient impressionism, portraying, as it does so well, this quote from Dunsany - 'the unreverberate blackness of the abyss'. It is what came to mind when I listened to Silas' latest offering, for both the quote and the drone complement each other so completely.
I hope you will enjoy this dronescape as much as I do.
An MP3 version of this album is available for free on Archive or a lossless version available here for 'pay what you want' which does include £0.
We are currently finalising the physical Cousin Silas release - "The Sound Of Silas". The tracks have been mastered and the cover art is in progress ... all will be revealed in due course but, for now, any funds raised by 020 will go towards this and possibly some extras.
If you do decide to download this album for free then all we ask in return is that you tell your friends, tweet a link or post it on Facebook, write a review and spread the word.
We will post more information regarding the physical release in due course but for now ... enjoy 020.
- Tx

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