"Good Friday was inspired by observing the power of crowds … how the spirit of a crowd can change a person … take over them … make them do things they wouldn't otherwise consider doing. This spirit … the spirit that can turn a respected school teacher into a looter grasping for a TV in a riot … was evident on the first Good Friday … a day when the crowd took over.
Good Friday was also inspired by the spirit that exists in a room or a building ... be it an incense-rich 15th century church in rural Spain or a grease-filled garage near my home in New Zealand.
Take, for example, the room I live and work in ... it is full of the memories of souls and conversations … thousands of them. From day old babies to 90+ year olds. Somehow I channel their thoughts and feelings into my music. Just as I try to revive their tired life-force and help them to get better from their injuries … they help and inspire me to create and express what is inside me.
My music comes from my soul. I hope … in handing what is inside me over to you … that this will act as a catalyst for you … that you may be inspired too."
- Stephen
"I really connect with Stephen's music … it have connected with it since the first time he let me hear the start of what we now call 'Good Friday (waag_rel026)'. He is a talented musician and a genuinely beautiful human being … someone who gives generously from the deep well of his soul to all who know him.
I am honoured to know him and am equally honoured to release 'Good Friday (waag_rel026)' on weareallghosts. We always have room for inspired improvisational ambient music. His is a powerful music … a music that comes from all that dwells within him. It is fascinating to listen to.
To say this is an expression of Briggs' faith would not be entirely accurate … this is an expression of more than his faith … it is an expression of his humanity and his experience … and I am grateful for this whole-of-self expression. It inspires me.
I hope you are as challenged and inspired by 'Good Friday (waag_rel026)' as I was and am."
- Thomas
As before, an MP3 version will be available on Archive for free with a lossless version available on Bandcamp for 'pay what you want'. If you decide to download this album for free, and you are able to do so with our blessing, then please tell everyone you know about it … and then tell us. We always enjoy hearing from the folks who've taken the time to download and really listen. Its what we're about afterall.
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