As I write these liner notes, I reflect on the weekend that I have just had ... a weekend of music ... a weekend of cementing social media friendships with physical bonds ... a weekend where I got to meet in the flesh for the first time, so to speak, three chaps that I greatly admire: the musician - Dave Hughes aka Cousin Silas; the painter - Ade Hodges; and the focus of these notes - musician Kevin Lyons.
Believe it or not but Dave and Kevin are the only musicians on weareallghosts that I have actually met in the flesh ... and I only met them a couple of days ago. Its crazy to think this but at the same time in today’s always-connected age it makes perfect sense.
In all my conversations with Kevin over the weekend ... on such topics as role of “the ancient” as filler on “Tales of Topographic Oceans” or the genius of Hayao Miyazaki ... I was struck by how genuinely nice Kevin was. He holds a wealth of information, predominately about films and progressive music, within his Mekon-like noggin. This conversation helped me form the context for “Seconds (waag_rel027)” ... his second release on weareallghosts.
His style of electronic music is broadly ambient and is flavoured by his obsessions with weird fiction, progressive music (especially the Berlin School) and modern sci-fi cinema. All these ingredients come together to form a heady mix of eery darker ambient soundscapes and lighter, more progressive tracks that tell their own individual stories of moments long gone as well as those still to come.
I hope you will enjoy this album as much as I do. I find Kevin’s music to be very visual and take great pleasure in letting my mind wander through the landscapes he paints with sound. It was a pleasure to meet him and it gives me great delight to support and encourage his musical endeavours through weareallghosts.
As before, an MP3 version of this album will be available for free on Archive with a lossless version available on Bandcamp for “pay what you want”. If you do decide to download the album for free then please tell your friends about Kevin’s music and this wee netlabel.
- Tx

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