Dreams do come true.
I am releasing an EP from one of my musical heroes: Shaun Blezard … the founder of Earth Monkey Productions, maker of musical malarkey under the Clutter alias, and vicious 'Words with Friends' player.
It was Shaun who introduced me to the concept of the netlabel with his seminal netlabel 'Earth Monkey Productions'. Some of the music on there is still on my iPod five years after the label went on indefinite hiatus … including a number of pieces by weareallghosts stalwart Cousin Silas.
It was on Shaun's label that Cousin Silas released the first two of his 'Ballard Landscapes' series (emp007 and emp030, if memory serves), for example.
In fact, it was to EMP that I looked when I thought of starting weareallghosts … and it is to his legacy that I compare this humble endeavour.
To consider, therefore, that I am able to release an EP of his on waag is a dream come true … the circle is now complete, so to speak … and what an EP it is. I have caught myself wondering what I was listening to when listening to the preview copy … then experiencing a mixture of shock and pleasure when I realise it was an EP destined for my wee label.
Shaun has done me proud with soundscapes that are an utter delight. I hope you enjoy what is presented as much as I do!
As before, an MP3 version of this album will be available for free on Archive with a lossless version available on Bandcamp for “pay what you want”. If you do decide to download the album for free then please tell your friends about Shaun’s music and this wee netlabel.
- Tx
Original material was provided by:
Frank Schultz
Scott Burland
Bill Brovold
Website: shaunblezard.net
Facebook: facebook.com/cluttermusic
Twitter: @cluttermusic
Duet For Theremin & Lap Steel
Website: duetonline.net
Facebook: facebook.com/duetforthereminandlapsteel
Twitter: @duetonline
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