"Tales of Space Exploration 9 - 16 (waag_rel031)" marks the return of Drew Miller aka Brother Saturn to weareallghosts. Miller picks up where he left off in waag_rel020 … continuing to document his journey into the deepest realms of the galaxy through ambient music.
I hear real progression in these tracks … Miller is growing as an artist and as a musician … creating truly beautiful ambient soundscapes that speak of travel, desolation, loneliness, and the yearning of home … wherever or whatever home may be.
Once more, Adam Howie has expertly expressed these themes in his cover art. His piece - "Exploration for Survival" - is available for sale as a print at devinatArt (kimded.deviantart.com/prints/) and RedBubble (www.redbubble.com/people/lurchkimded) … and is also included as a wallpaper in the Bandcamp release. As before, I would heartily encourage you to support Howie's work by buying a print.
An MP3 version of this album is available for free on Archive or a lossless version available on Bandcamp for 'pay what you want' which does include £0. If you do decide to download this album for free then all we ask in return is that you tell your friends, tweet a link or post it on Facebook, write a review and spread the word.
- Tx
