Cousin Silas' Dronescapes bring me considerable solace and the fifteenth instalment could not have come at a more necessary time.
As some of you may know, I have contracted pertussis (whooping cough) and have been 'house bound' since before Christmas. During this time I have come to appreciate the healing qualities of music: it relaxes ... it aids focus and recuperation ... and, more importantly, it inspires.
Dronescape 015 has been a blessing to me ... aiding my painfully slow recovery ... and helping me to rest. My sincere thanks to Cousin Silas for the care he has poured into this dronescape ... it is appreciated, especially at this time.
An MP3 version of this album is available for free on Archive or a lossless version available here for 'pay what you want' which does include £0.
We are currently exploring options for a physical Cousin Silas release. Any funds raised by 015 will go towards this.
If you do decide to download this album for free then all we ask in return is that you tell your friends, tweet a link or post it on Facebook, write a review and spread the word.
We will post more information regarding the physical release in due course but for now ... enjoy 015.
- Tx
Oh and about the cover ... as I can't get out, I can only take photos from inside my house. We have a bird-feeder next to my livingroom window and it is frequented by some lovely little visitors ... this was one of them.
