"Tales of Space Exploration 17 - 24 (waag_rel048)" marks the further continuation of Drew Miller aka Brother Saturn's "Tales of Space Exploration" series for weareallghosts. Miller picks up where he left off in waag_rel031 … continuing to document his journey into the deepest realms of the galaxy through ambient music.
Once more I hear real progression in these tracks … Miller is continuing to grow as a musician. He continues to explore the themes of travel, desolation, home and of loneliness with these further 8 tracks.
As before, Adam Howie has expertly expressed these themes in his cover art. His piece - "The Warm Embrace of the Final Chill" - will be available for sale as a print at devinatArt (kimded.deviantart.com/prints/) and RedBubble (redbubble.com/people/lurchkimded) … and is also included as a wallpaper in the Bandcamp release. As before, I would heartily encourage you to support Howie's work by buying a print.
An MP3 version of this album is available for free on Archive or a lossless version available on Bandcamp for 'pay what you want' which does include £0 ... and remember, paying supporters on Bandcamp also get unlimited mobile access to the album using the free Bandcamp listening app.
If you do decide to download this album for free then all we ask in return is that you tell your friends, tweet a link or post it on Facebook, write a review and spread the word.
- Tx
Released 21 April 2014
Music by Drew Miller aka Brother Saturn
Artwork by Adam Howie for illusionaryconstructs.com

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