Releasing Kevin Lyons’ music on weareallghosts is one of my proudest achievements with the netlabel. If ever there was someone who deserved to be heard, it is him!
He has an approach to his craft that makes my heart sing: he is wonderfully imaginative and channels the whole of his very interesting life into his innovative expression.
“Night Visions (waag_rel063)” is an utter delight, opening with one of my favourite longform pieces - “Like City Lights, Receding” - a track I would have happily released on it’s own and one that tips it’s porkpie hat to the one and only Cousin Silas, through whom Lyons and I met.
I would have happily settled with just this opener but, like the man himself, you get so much more than simply enough: 12 tracks that are so alive, 12 tracks that are packed to the brim with the kind of experimental ambient & electronic IDM expression that I can not get enough of. These individual soundscapes could effortlessly back the most visionary sci-fi films and I, for one, can not think of reading William Gibson without Lyons’ music in my ears. In fact, “Night Visions” is currently soundtracking my reading of “The Peripheral”, Gibson’s latest novel.
Sometimes I like to shuffle the music on my iPhone or iPod. Each and every time I do so I am surprised by a piece of music that sounds so fresh and inviting. More often than not it is Lyons’ music that catches me out in this way: he certainly does know his onions! I just wish more folk knew of his music.
I really do hope “Night Visions (waag_rel063)” catches you as it has me.
An MP3 version of this album is available for free on Archive or a lossless version available on Bandcamp for 'pay what you want' which does include £0 ... and remember, paying supporters on Bandcamp also get unlimited mobile access to the album using the free Bandcamp listening app.
If you do decide to download this album for free then all we ask in return is that you tell your friends, tweet a link or post it on Facebook, write a review and spread the word.
- Tx
