Before you are 45 tracks from Cousin Silas and his friends. This is the fourth such compilation and it is, by far, the largest.
Rather than single any one track out for praise, I will say this: how can you measure such creativity? Can you even attempt to do so using minutes or megabytes alone as your evidence? It is impossible.
What Cousin Silas has done here by not only creating the initial music but by seeking out and bringing together his friends so they can aid him in creating their respective pieces is nothing short of remarkable.
In fact, it is inconceivable, as Vizzini would say.
But here’s the thing … this is the kind of creativity that lives, breathes and makes things happen on the edges of culture. I am proud of all I have achieved with my netlabel, weareallghosts. I am proud to give a home to the creativity that oozes out of this recording.
On the 14th July, 2015; we will celebrate with friends and fans across the world the first Netlabel Day. Unfortunately I will be sunning myself just north of Venice in Italy and will not be able to contribute on the day. So consider Silas & Friends vol. iv to be my early gift.
Please do all you can now and on the 14th July to support netlabels, your ongoing support is vital to ensure this movement can flourish.
A 320kbps version of this release is available over on Archive for free with a lossless version available on Bandcamp for ‘pay what you want’ which does include ‘free’. If you decide to download this album here for free, and you can with our best wishes, then all we ask is that you please tell people about it.

All tracks feature Cousin Silas with one (or more) of his friends ...
01. Aditya Sharma - Escape in F 03:42
02. Headjoint - Dark Skies 03:29
03. Jack Hertz - Anxious Times 05:24
04. Ade Hodges - Charlie Foxtrot 05:35
05. Graham McArthur - 40 Fathoms Down 05:42
06. Chris Newman - A Pale Horse 04:50
07. Fourth Dimension - Seven Hills 04:47
08. Gaetano Fontanazza - Gaining Altitude 07:14
09. Christopher Alvarado - Esoteric Arts 08:11
10. Michael Bruckner - Inside The Complex 05:10
11. Kevin Lyons & Ade Hodges - More Voices 13:30
12. Dawn Tuesday - Dagian 09:10
13. Felixdroid - Lost 08:17
14. Lutz Thuns - Silent Colours 4 Plus Guitar 03:01
15. Black Hill - As The Evening Folds 03:48
16. Owann - Ganges 05:28
17. Ade Hodges - Watching The Neon Lights In The Street Flicker Across His Hand 03:42
18. Jack Hertz - Ascending Dimensions 07:29
19. Peter Davidson - The Passage Of Time 09:57
20. Kevin Lyons - Divining Spirits 05:59
21. Jaime Munariz Ortiz - Moon 04:32
22. Warren Daly - Voyager Says Hello 03:14
23. Martin Neuhold - Selena’s Dance 03:37
24. Ashot Danielyan - Between The Words 04:56
25. Scott Lawler - Hiding Place 06:48
26. Scott Snee - Raining In Paradise 06:42
27. Ian Haygreen - A Lapse Of Memory 06:46
28. VictorYibril - Balthazar 04:29
29. David Gerard - Incidental Melody 07:07
30. Wolfgang Gsell - A Place Of Peace 03:19
31. William Spivey - A Day Trip Onboard Hubble 04:38
32. Zeebra Mann - God 1 05:42
33. Total ET - Beyond The Deep 07:20
34. Kevin Lyons - The Dying Skies Of Mars (Rocket Remix) 04:54
35. Headjoint - Rain Down On Me 03:06
36. Doug Lynner - Silent Sea, Boiling Sky 11:47
37. Dawn Tuesday - Civil Dawn 05:15
38. Har - The Hidden Star Map 10:30
39. Peter Davidson - Vanishing Point 03:53
40. musicformessier - Sol 02:57
41. Jazzdefector - The Return of Prometheus 06:48
42. Kuutana Serenity - Emergence 06:17
43. Wolfgang Gsell - Morning Lights 05:18
44. Colin Blake - Machine Song 05:30
45. Phobos - Dark Matter 09:36
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