
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Presenting ... Dronescape 035 (waag_drs035) by Cousin Silas

As we move into 2017 I would like to give you a taste of things to come from weareallghosts … coming up over the next few days we’ll have a remix album from Cousin Silas, an expressive release from Matthew VandenBrook, a retrospective of the musician Chris Newman aka Delicate Apparatus, and a rereleased album from Coloured Lines. We also have this, the 35th dronescape from Cousin Silas.

Cousin Silas has promised 50 dronescapes and 2017 will see us get closer to that goal … a bittersweet goal, if truth be told, because I love his longform work and am proud to provide a home for the dronescape series.

As for the 35th dronescape, it is an utter delight … words do not do its 75 minutes justice … so I’m going to stop and ask you to have a listen. Today is New Year’s Eve (or Hogmanay in Scotland) and it is a busy time. This dronescape provides respite from this busyness … it gives you, the listener, some well earned time out. Take it and make of it what you will, what you need, and may your 2017 be awesome.

As before, it is important to note that weareallghosts is funded through the money we receive for albums and dronescapes such as this. For us to realistically continue to put out this level of quality in the quantity that we need to levy a small charge for our releases. Please help out by buying the dronescape.

That said, if you aren’t able to then please note a 320kbps version of this release will be available over on Archive for free.

- Thomas

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Presenting ... Rex Gentium (waag_aa003) by Scott Lawlor ... Ambient Advent 2016

Over the last couple of years we’ve feature a series of ambient pieces inspired by and intended for the period of Advent … four pieces for the four Sundays in the month or so before Christmas. This year it was Scott Lawyer’s turn but, due to work and other externalities outwith my control, I was unable to upload before now.

Scott’s four pieces were recorded live when he played them, just over a year ago, on They are quietly meditative longform pieces that infuse the listener with the most delightful of fragrances, nothing overpowering, just an engaging and, dare I say, entertaining experience that can be instilled with a spiritual significance, like a gentle incense, if that’s your thing.

- Thomas

Waiting is not the strong suit of many of us in our hurry-up culture. Everything is urgent. Hope is foreign to people who expect quick relief, cures, and solutions. We struggle to guard Advent jealously because popular culture short-circuits this season of hope: We are tempted to go directly to celebrating Christmas without getting in touch with the part of ourselves that is longing, hoping, and trusting.

The following pieces, written and performed last year on, are intended to help with your wait, help you take your foot off the accelerator and just be. Christmas Day will come, just don’t let it come too quickly.

- Scott

Thanks to the support of Cousin Silas and Warren Daly … and the wonderful waag community ... I’m proud to be able to offer a 320kbps version of this release for free over on Archive with a lossless version available on Bandcamp for ‘pay what you want’.
