Kevin Lyons and I were daydreaming together, earlier today ... dreaming of opening up a space called "The End of Time" where the beer was microbrewed, the coffee was always fresh and made with v60s, and the music was decidedly ambient in nature with Cousin Silas playing live; Every night there would be a sci-fi film on and the kitchen would serve the best pizzas at any time of the day.
I guess we can dream.
I love Kevin Lyons' music ... it has a special something about it that always captures my imagination. He creates wonderfully vivid soundscapes that are so easy to be caught up in, soundscapes that engage and inspire in equal measure, soundscapes that feed the soul; Whilst Kevin plays well with others ... especially Cousin Silas and Tim Jones ... it is always a pleasure to hear what he's got to say on his own, the distillation of all his nerdy loves into 70 minutes of ambient music. We are, after all, the sum total of our influences and "Dances at the End of Time" is a wonderful summation of all that is Kevin.
As a result of the generous support of folks like Mr Lyons himself ... Cousin Silas ... Warren Daly … and the wonderful waag community ... I’m proud to be able to offer a 320kbps version of this release for free over on Archive with a lossless version available on Bandcamp for ‘pay what you want’.
I really hope you will enjoy "Dancers at the End of Time" as much as I do.
- Thomas
