
Saturday, October 19, 2019

Presenting ... Cosmic Oblivion (waag_rel133) by James Hoehl

It is with great delight that I bring to you "Cosmic Oblivion (waag_rel133)" by James Hoehl and, in doing so, welcome him into the WAAG fold.

James has been a keen supporter of weareallghosts for sometime now and I am over-the-moon with what he has created for his first release with us ... a five-track album of drifting, spacey, ambient drones that collectively speak of the vast ocean of stars that sits just beyond our horizon.

Ironically, James wasn't sure there was an audience for the music he makes but I can assure him that he, most definitely, has a home with us. I, for one, have thoroughly enjoyed the sense of weightlessness and feeling of timeless wandering that these drones conjure up.

I hope you will enjoy this album as much as I do.

As before, my thanks goes to the wonderful waag community ... for their generous support.

A 320kbps version of this release will be available, for free, over on Archive with a lossless version available on Bandcamp for ‘pay what you want’.

