Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Presenting ... Dronescape 044 (waag_drs044) by Cousin Silas
From the magical to the mysterious, it amazes me how Dronescape 043 can be so magical and then the next longform piece in the Dronescape series - "Dronescape 044" from Cousin Silas - can be so eerie, weird and mysterious.
When first I listened to this piece I was immediately taken with its vastness and sense of scale... it made me think of walking in the cyclopian city on the Antarctic plateau that was visited by Professor William Dyer in Lovecraft's seminal tale, "At the Mountains of Madness".
The piece has a breathless, otherworldly nature ... it features a constant drone that is interspersed with weird "moments" that shock the senses and bring a sense of the present to the listener.
This is a piece best listened to at night ... with headphones ... and no distractions ... it will inspire the darkest of dreams.
It is important to note that weareallghosts is funded through the money we receive for albums and dronescapes such as this. For us to realistically continue to put out this level of quality in the quantity that we do, we need to levy a small charge for our releases. Please help out by buying the dronescape.
That said, if you aren’t able to then please note a 320kbps version of this release is over on Archive for free.
- Thomas
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Presenting ... Scenes from Suburbia (waag_rel136) by Cousin Silas & Candy L
For me, it is wonderfully bittersweet to release "Scenes from Suburbia (waag_rel136)" by Cousin Silas & Candy L so close to Candy's birthday ... I'm not sure how old she would have been if she had not lost her battle against cancer and, to be honest, it doesn't matter ... what matters is that the world and our wee community of DIY ambient musicians is considerably poorer for her not being with us.
"Scenes from Suburbia (waag_rel136)" was created in collaboration between the adorably prolific Cousin Silas and Candy, who somehow managed to fit in recording her parts to their album while running a netlabel that I, for one, was equally proud and envious of. Candy's work ethic was unparalleled, as was her creative expression. The atmospheric expressions contained within this album are truly extraordinary, they are varied and engaging ... and serve to remind us how much poorer we are for not having Candy in our midst.
This album was earmarked for release on Candy's label - Studio 4632 - but wasn't released due to Candy's untimely passing. I don't think I am alone in thinking that Candy would not have wanted it to languish on the digital equivalent of a dusty shelf, Cousin Silas certainly didn't think so when he offered it to waag. I am proud to give this album a home and hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
A 320kbps version of this release is available, for free, over on Archive with a lossless version available here on Bandcamp for ‘pay what you want’.
- Thomas